Lucho Díaz a.k.a LuchosFactory

Freelance comic artist and cartoonist.

Commissions TOS1) I will try to follow a "first come, first serve" system for requests, but I may give high priority to simple commissions and low priority to complex commissions.
I prefer to delay one request to make 10, than to delay 10 to make 1.
2) I will take the payment at any moment until the clean sketch. I won't advance further without at least 50% of the payment.
3) Payment will be completed via PayPal only. I don't work with cryptos, I won't take any other form of payment. I will require your email address to send you a PayPal invoice. I won't accept direct transfers at first.
4) I will show updates at the end of every stage (concept sketch, clean sketch, lineart, flat colors, shading, background). I will require the confirmation for each stage before moving forward. Changes outside of the stage, after confirming it, will be charged according to how much work needs to be undone.
5) I don't do NFTs.
6) Max Comix characters will have a 50% off (On top of other discounts if applied).
7) I take around one week to complete a commission, two if it's particularly complex. That can be affected by setbacks or other commissions. I'll inform the client of any possible setback.
8) I don't work on weekends.
9) I can draw NSFW. Don't be afraid to ask for specific characters or fetishes. I won't judge, but I'll respectfully decline if I don't feel comfortable with the request.
10) For NSFW commissions that include other people's OCs, I will require written permission from the OC's owner.
11) The final piece can be sent via e-mail, Discord, or a Mega download link.
12) The rights to the final piece will be shared between the client and me. That means that each of us can decide where and how to post them or use them. Any third party interested in the art piece will have to discuss with both of us.
13) I will post the finished piece to my social media and portfolio unless specified otherwise by the client.
14) It is possible to revisit an old commission, but only in the following 6 months. Editables get deleted after that time. It'll start cunting as a brand new commission (For example, if you want to add one character, it'll cost full price and not 50%. The following characters will have that discount).